Have questions?

Frequently Asked Questions!


Can I add call tracking numbers to my campaigns?

Absolutely, it simple to add new computers to each of your campaigns that will forward to your sales team. Calls can be recorded for later review. Phone numbers are just $10/mth.

Can I purchase marketing services from Web Geeks?
Web Geeks is a full service digital marketing firm specializing in website design, search engine marketing, social media marketing and lead generation. There are a lot of tactics that can be deployed to help you grow your business so just ask your account manager about it and we would be happy to help.
Can you help me launch my first marketing campaign?
Absolutely! Web Geeks offers a 90 day “done with you” program that includes consulting, training, Brand+Machine subscription and more. We put our 30 years + experience to work with you to ensure you get the most out of your investment. Talk with your account manager to see if this program would be a good fit for you.

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